Financial Wellness at Work
Financial Finesse Financial Coaches work with people from all walks of life and have literally seen it all! They’ve supported employees and participants (and their families) through debt, cash flow, and credit challenges, buying homes, growing their families, marriages and divorces, retirement planning, and more. Through guest interviews, your host Liz Davidson, founder and CEO of Financial Finesse, will share life-changing stories of financial transformations experienced by everyday people who gave financial coaching a try. Financial stress doesn’t exist in a silo – it influences everything, including mental and physical health, relationships, and productivity. We’ll dig into it all.
Financial Wellness at Work
NFL Players and Gen Z - Buying Properties Over Bottles
Historically, NFL players have been known for their culture of big spending. Joining us today is someone who has affected a major shift in financial wellness amongst his fellow NFL players, and beyond. Carl Nassib is a seven-year veteran of the NFL and today, we find out what inspired him to shift his mindset around finances and make his money work for him with smart planning and off-the-field endeavors, rather than spend it indiscriminately. Carl shares his view on why it’s so important to be a good financial role model, and what true financial success looks like. Financial Finesse’s own Doug Spencer joins the conversation to share his insights into working with professional athletes as a Financial Coach, guiding them out of debt, and helping them to avoid future financial stress. We also touch on what makes Gen Z different from other generations, what they respond to in the workplace, and how they can best find financial independence! Tune in to hear more from the inspiring financial wellness ambassador, Carl Nassib.
Key points from this episode:
- How the ‘big spending’ culture in the NFL has changed over the years.
- Carl Nassib’s role in affecting this cultural change.
- What inspired him to shift his mindset around finances.
- How Carl is making his money work for him with off-the-field endeavors.
- Financial Coach Doug Spencer shares his insights into working with professional athletes to optimize their income, manage expenses, and build wealth.
- The importance of having a ‘north star’ when tackling financial planning.
- Doug shares stories of guiding NFL players out of debt.
- How best to set yourself up and avoid future financial stress.
- Why financial wellness is so important and what true financial success looks like.
- The importance of being a good role model, financially.
- Liz celebrates Carl and other NFL players and former players, like Brandon Copeland and Marshawn Lynch, who are known for their commitment to financial wellness.
- The effects of financial stress on physical performance.
- How employers can engage Gen Z in the workforce.
- How Gen Z is destigmatizing mental and financial health.
- Doug’s advice for Gen Z employees, in terms of financial mindset!
Quotes from this episode:
“Goalsetting is something athletes do every day and I think that once people set their financial goals and have those in mind constantly every time they make a purchase, every time they invest, it’s psychologically rewarding to make measurable steps towards that goal.” — Carl Nassib [10:21]
“Financial stress spills into every other aspect of your life.” — Carl Nassib [15:22]
“That's what success looks like? Success looks like you're blowing your money every chance you get? That’s not what success looks like. Buying properties over bottles, that’s what success is.” — Carl Nassib [16:27]
[How can employers engage with Gen Z employees?] “Make sure the program is about financial independence and living your best life, and not totally geared at retirement.” — Doug Spencer [22:22]
Links mentioned in this episode:
Carl Nassib on Instagram
Carl Nassib on LinkedIn