Financial Wellness at Work
Financial Finesse Financial Coaches work with people from all walks of life and have literally seen it all! They’ve supported employees and participants (and their families) through debt, cash flow, and credit challenges, buying homes, growing their families, marriages and divorces, retirement planning, and more. Through guest interviews, your host Liz Davidson, founder and CEO of Financial Finesse, will share life-changing stories of financial transformations experienced by everyday people who gave financial coaching a try. Financial stress doesn’t exist in a silo – it influences everything, including mental and physical health, relationships, and productivity. We’ll dig into it all.
Financial Wellness at Work
If You Want to Know the Power, Call For Yourself
It wasn’t until Lori Zeman made the call to Financial Finesse herself that she truly understood the power of financial coaching. Lori is a Division Vice President at Ascensus, the largest independent recordkeeping services partner in the United States. Ascensus has integrated Financial Finesse to offer our services as an employee benefit and to provide them to every single participant in Ascensus plans. In this episode, we chat with Lori and our very own Senior Financial Coach, Julie Everett, about their respective experiences working together when Lori reached out for financial wellness coaching. We discuss the undeniable ways in which our personal and financial lives are intertwined and how financial coaching can complement financial advice. Tune in to find out how and why Ascensus is bringing financial coaching resources to the masses and to hear Lori’s advice for employers and employees.
Key points from this episode:
- What inspired Lori to call Financial Finesse for a consultation.
- Her experience working with Senior Financial Coach, Julie Everett.
- The value she got from Julie that she couldn’t have gotten from Google or a CPA.
- Julie’s experience coaching Lori.
- The relationship between our personal lives and our finances.
- Ascensus’ mission to reach small companies and close the coverage gap for those in need of retirement plans.
- How Ascensus has integrated Financial Finesse as a firm, and how they’re bringing resources to the masses.
- The distinction between coaching and advice – and how they complement each other.
- Lori’s advice for employers and employees with access to financial coaching resources.
Quotes from this episode:
“You can plan all you want but still things are going to come up within your personal life that were not on the January 1st resolution list.” — Julie Everett [5:40]
“The difference with Julie was, she took the time to really get to know me and my situation, and she made it so relatable.” — Lori Zeman [7:04]
“When it comes to finance, people think it’s black or white, the numbers are or they are not, and it really isn’t like that at all. Our finances are driven by our emotions.” — Julie Everett [10:32]
“Not only do the numbers affect our personal life, but our personal life affects the numbers.” — Julie Everett [11:03]
“Any good financial coach will know when you need advice. And any good advisor will flag when you need financial coaching.” — Liz Davidson [25:24]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: