Financial Wellness at Work
Financial Finesse Financial Coaches work with people from all walks of life and have literally seen it all! They’ve supported employees and participants (and their families) through debt, cash flow, and credit challenges, buying homes, growing their families, marriages and divorces, retirement planning, and more. Through guest interviews, your host Liz Davidson, founder and CEO of Financial Finesse, will share life-changing stories of financial transformations experienced by everyday people who gave financial coaching a try. Financial stress doesn’t exist in a silo – it influences everything, including mental and physical health, relationships, and productivity. We’ll dig into it all.
Financial Wellness at Work
It's Time to Move!
If the tumbling leaves of fall indicate anything let it be this: It’s time to move!
It’s time to start thinking about what you want in the new year and preparing to achieve those goals. Today’s guest is Majd, an employee who has built a longstanding relationship with Financial Finesse having spoken with 17 coaches since her first call. After explaining why now is the perfect time to start planning for 2025, Majd details her experience of calling Financial Finesse for the very first time, what she thinks of our coaches and the services she receives from us, how working with Financial Finesse broadened her understanding and relationship with money, and her advice for first-timers who are finally ready to call a financial coach. We also unpack the plethora of considerations when moving across state lines, the mistakes many make when changing jobs mid-year, common misconceptions about multi-state tax returns, and the importance of always having a healthy stash tucked away for rainy days.
Key points from this episode:
- Why it's never too early to plan for your future.
- What prompted today’s guest, Majd, to call Financial Finesse for the first time.
- Examining her living circumstances when she made the work move to Atlanta from L.A. and how to approach a big move.
- Common mistakes that people make when changing jobs mid-year.
- Everyday misconceptions about multi-state tax returns.
- How working with Financial Finesse has improved Majd’s relationship with money.
- Her thoughts about financial coaching before and after receiving our services.
- What to consider when deciding between buying and renting when moving to a new city.
- The importance of establishing a healthy emergency fund before a big move.
- Majd’s advice for making that first call to a financial coach.
“California does not offer a state tax deduction for contributing to the 529 plan, but Georgia does. So, if you’re going to try to do something and make a contribution, why not have it optimized — from a tax perspective — by taking advantage of the state that does offer good deductions?” — Alesha Isaacs [12:48]
“[Working with Financial Finesse has] changed things in the fact that I know that I have someone that I can trust.” — Majd [14:03]
“[With Financial Finesse] I just feel empowered in the sense that if I need help with something, I know that there’s someone to turn to, and I know there’s someone that’s going to take the time to explain things in a simple way.” — Majd [14:33]
“I don’t want to be driving to places that I think are basic necessities; I want to be able to walk. That’s how I pretty much chose the area [where I live].” — Majd [19:26]
Links mentioned in today’s episode:
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